Environmental protection and underground storage activity
UGS activity is carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions of law in the environment friendly manner.UGS activity is monitored for the sake of environmental safety both in respect of devices and any possible emissions, in particular, the emission of methane from underground and aboveground parts of a storage facility.
In accordance with the Act on Environmental Protection of November 9th, 2010, every storage project requires a decision regarding environmental conditions, approval for the project implementation preceded by the conduction of environmental impact assessment procedure. The authority competent to issue a decision on the environmental permit for the project is a local, public administrative body (voyt, mayor) of the municipality in which the investment is located.
Following the submission of the application (along with the report), an institution initiating the proceedings for the assessment of environmental impact should make a public announcement regarding the submission of such application and the possibility for the community to make comments. Before issuing the above mentioned decision on the environmental permit for the project, the institution conducting the proceeding shall agree on the requirements for the project implementation with the Ministry of Environment, the relevant voivode and the State Provincial Sanitary Inspector (Państwowy Wojewódzki Inspektor Sanitarny).
Applying the above procedure provides high environmental standards and care for local communities.The examples of environmental protection measures for underground gas storage facilities created in partially depleted deposits and salt caverns
For the sake of environmental protection the following actions are monitored:
- surface protection – the observation of the subsidence based on a calculations of the spatial range of impact of geological structures used for natural gas storage
- protection of soil and surface waters - protection of soil and surface waters from the contamination, monitoring the quality of water and soil air,
- groundwater protection – the protection of individual geological layers from the contamination by the use of a properly designed and well cemented technical column of pipes,
- air protection - continuous monitoring of emissions from process equipment and greenhouse gas emissions,
- the protection against noise and vibration – the continuous monitoring of noise and vibration level of the identified sources,
- the protection of marine waters (in the case of UGS construction in salt caverns in close proximity to the sea) - monitoring the impact of brine solution discharged into marine waters.
The purpose of the environmental monitoring is:
- the elimination of potential hazards in the quickest time possible,
- general assessment of the overall impact of storage facility operation on the environment, soil and aquiferous layers,
- developing methods of monitoring which are relevant from the environmental protection perspective,
- taking optimal actions in the event of any malfunction occurrence.
Natural Gas - blue fuel
Natural gas is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons which are in a gaseous state at room temperature. The main component of natural gas is methane. Natural gas also includes small amounts of ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), nitrogen (N) and helium (He). Some types of natural gas include hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Natural gas has a lower density than air. It is odourless and colourless. The characteristic odour of natural gas at distribution networks is obtained in the process of odorizing, performed for the sake of increasing the degree of gas safety.
Prior to the transmission of gas produced from the fields, it is subject to treatment (removal of acid gases, mercury, higher hydrocarbons, dehydration, particulates, nitrogen, etc.).
Natural gas is used as fuel or as raw material in many chemical manufacturing processes, such as acetylene, hydrogen, carbon disulfide, paints, synthetic fibres, synthetic rubber, plastics and carbon black.
Natural gas is called blue fuel - the name comes from the colour of the flame produced during the process of gas combustion.
What are the practical advantages of natural gas?
Natural gas enables achieving very high energy efficiencies when compared to other energy carriers being fossil fuels.
Natural gas is easy to transport over long distances using the most widespread method, i.e. pipelines or as liquefied natural gas (LNG). The gas combustion process is easy to control and monitor with the possibility of its automation.
Currently, the following fuels are commonly used for the production of thermal energy:
- coal,
- heating oil,
- natural gas.
Compared with coal and heating oil, the combusted natural gas emits significantly less nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide being the main cause of the greenhouse effect.
As the chart below indicates, natural gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel.

In Poland it is necessary to increase the share of natural gas in the production of electricity and heat because it is connected with the increase of the energy efficiency in manufacturing processes and the reduction of negative influence of emissions on the environment.
Gas Storage Poland Sp. z o. o.
Gas Storage Poland Sp. z o. o. (GSP) core field of activity is performing tasks of a storage system operator. The company provides volumes and capacities of storage facilities that meet the needs of the gas storage market participants, at the same enabling the optimal use of these facilities.
Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. is particularly responsible for the following tasks:
- providing safety of storage facilities operation and the execution of contracts with users of these facilities
- ensuring the operation, maintenance and repair of storage facilities and devices in a such a way that guarantees the reliability of their functioning
- ensuring long-term ability of storage facilities in order to meet reasonable demands for gaseous fuels storage, as well as development of storage facilities
- managing capacity of storage facilities
- providing storage services required for the accurate operation of a gas system
- managing gaseous fuels flow directed to and received from storage facilities and maintaining the quality parameters of these fuels
- providing users of the system and operators of other systems with the information regarding terms and conditions of rendering gaseous fuel storage services, including cooperation with interconnected gas systems
- cooperation with other gas system operators or energy companies to ensure reliable and efficient operation of gas systems and to coordinate their development
GSP also deals with the design and construction of underground gas storage facilities in rock salt deposits.
Gas Storage Poland Sp. z o.o. (GSP) is a 100% subsidiary of Gas Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. based in Warsaw (GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.).
The company was established in 2010 in order to allow PGNiG S.A. (currently ORLEN S.A.) to adapt a business structure for gas storage to the independence requirements of storage system operators referred to in the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2009/73/EC of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas (Directive 2009/73/EC).
The Company has acted as a storage system operator since June 1st, 2012. The activity of a storage system operator is conducted on the basis of relevant administrative decisions – i.e. the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (Urząd Regulacji Energetyki) on granting a license to OSM for storage of gaseous fuel in storage facilities f(the License) and the decision on the appointment of the Company to perform a function of a storage system operator (the Operator's decision). The concession includes the following Underground Gas Storages (UGS): UGS Husów, UGS Wierzchowice, UGS Strachocina, UGS Swarzów, UGS Brzeźnica, CUGS Mogilno and CUGS Kosakowo.
On July 1st, 2013, the merger of GSP and Investgas S.A. occurred. Pursuant to art. 492 paragraph 1 point 1 of the Commercial Companies Code it was a merger by acquisition, in which GSP was the acquiring company. After the merger, GSP is also active in the field of design and construction of underground gas storage facilities in salt deposits and offers a wide range of services related to the gas industry, fuel and energy, as well as the construction industry.
On October 4th, 2016, Operator Systemu Magazynowania Sp. z o.o. (OSM) changed its name to Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. (GSP).
After conducting antitrust proceedings, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (President) by decision DKK-134/2024 dated June 20, 2024, consented to the concentration, which consists of the takeover by the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.) of control over GSP. Obtaining the above consent from the President was the last suspensive condition of the SPA agreement concluded on March 14, 2024 – the agreement for the sale by ORLEN S.A. of 100% of shares in the share capital of GSP in favor of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. On June 28, 2024, the parties to the transaction, pursuant to Art. 187 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, notified GSP about the transfer of 100% of GSP shares to GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. Currently, the sole shareholder of GSP is GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

The Compliance Programme
On 25 March 2013 Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Dębogórze (the “Operator”) adopted and implemented "The Programme for Ensuring Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Storage Facility Users (The Compliance Programme)".
The present Compliance Programme (the “Programme”) is established in performance of the Operator’s obligation under Article 9d(4) of the Energy Law Act to develop a programme specifying the measures to be undertaken by the Operator to ensure non-discriminatory treatment of Storage Facility Users, including detailed obligations of the Operator’s employees resulting from the Programme.
The purpose of this Programme is to ensure equal and non-discriminatory treatment of Storage Facility Users and potential Storage Facility Users so that they are all treated in the same way by the Operator.
The Compliance Program has been revised over the years. The most recent change results from the approval by the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (the “ERO President”) of the Storage Code, which, as of November 6, 2023, at 06:00 replaced the Storage Service Rules. The revised Programme has been approved by the ERO President by decision no. DRR.WRD.743.1.2024.KKu dated February 22, 2024, which became binding on March 9, 2024.
- Compliance Programme - The programme for ensuring non-discriminatory treatment of Storage Facility Users
- Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office of February 22, 2024
In order to, among others, monitoring compliance with the provisions of the Programme, the Company's Management Board appointed an attorney-at-law - Ms. Magdalena Nowak-Karpińska - as the Compliance Inspector, who also provides information on the Programme issues.
Compliance Officer
Magdalena Nowak-Karpińska
Anti-corruption Policy
The overriding principle of Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. is to act in a responsible and ethical manner. Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. has a reputation for integrity both in its management practices and in its relations with counterparties and customers. The Company cares for continuous improvement of ethical standards in its operations. For this purpose, a Policy defining the guidelines in the area of counteracting corruption and fraud has been introduced.
Furthermore, the Company introduced Anti-corruption and gift procedure of Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. which is the executive act to the Policy adjusted to the framework of operations and organizational structure of Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o.
Integrated Quality Management System
Our competence
The company has expertise and 30-year experience in the development of gas storage pipeline facilities and (including the supporting infrastructure) at all the stages of the project delivery process, i.e. planning, preparation, design, construction and commissioning. Our employees hold a broad range of licences, including those required for the operation of a mining plant.
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Cavern gas storage projects
Information Safety
Concern about the security of information processed in Gas Storage Poland (GSP) is one of the priorities of the Company. Therefore, it was decided to implement and certification of Information Security Management System (ISMS), based on requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001. Meeting the requirements of the standard provides long-term and proper functioning of the organization, regardless of changes taking place in its internal and external environment. GSP has undergone a series of internal and external audits since the beginning of ISMS. It is conducted actual analysis of information safety incidents taking place in Poland and abroad.To systematize issues of information safety, risk management and business continuity is a key aspect of GSP activity. In response to the increasing number of threats, in order to provide additional protection of information resources, there was made a decision to establish a Safety Committee. The primary task of the Committee is to ensure the safety objectives of the GSP business goals.
Gas Storage Poland also obtained security certificate (1st degree, the clause "secret") and 3rd degree of international organizations (NATO, EU) confirming the ability of the company to ensure the protection of classified information against unauthorized disclosure in connection with the execution of contracts or tasks related to access to such information.
Information clause for persons contacting Gas Storage Poland Sp. z o.o.
Provided in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter: “GDPR”).
- The Controller of your personal data is Gas Storage Poland sp. z o.o. (GSP) Polska Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Dębogórze, ul. Rumska 28, 81-198 Dębogórze, Poland
- Contact with GSP is possible via e-mail to gsp@gas-storage.pl or in writing to: Gas Storage Poland Sp. z o.o., Warsaw Office, ul.Wschowska 8, 01-239 Warsaw.
- GSP has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted by e-mail: iodo@gas-storage.pl on any matter concerning the processing of personal data.
- Your personal data will be processed:
a. for the purposes of correspondence with you and deal with any matter such correspondence relates to, and, if applicable, for asserting, pursuing or defending against claims – the legal basis for the data processing is the legitimate interest of GSP (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 – GDPR); the legitimate interest is to enable correspondence with clients and dealing with matters reported by them, and to enable GSP to assert or pursue claims or to defend against such claims;
b. in case when your request concerns the provision of information that constitutes public information, your data will be processed for the purpose of performing the legal obligation of GSP on the basis of Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR, in connection with the Act of 6 September 2001 on access to public information; - Your personal data may be shared with providers of services related to the above purposes retained by GSP, including specifically providers of information technology systems and providers of services necessary for dealing with your matter (entities providing legal services to GSP).
- Your data will be processed for the duration of the correspondence and dealing with the matter concerned. The processing period may be extended from time to time by the period of limitation of claims, if the processing of your personal data is necessary for GSP to establish or pursue possible claims or defend against such claims.
- You have the right to access the content of the data and to request their rectification, erasure, restriction of the processing, as well as the right to object to the processing of the data.
- You also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for personal data protection (in Poland to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, Warsaw), if you find that the processing of your personal data violates the personal data protection regulations.
- You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation.
- Your personal data is provided by you on a voluntary basis, however, the refusal to provide contact details may prevent GSP from maintaining further correspondence with you or dealing with the matter.
Personal Data in Gas Storage Poland
On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to as the GDPR, entered into force.
The overarching objective of the Regulation is to:
- ensure the secure and undisturbed exchange of personal data within the EU,
- harmonise the provisions on the protection of personal data within the EU.
Specifically, Gas Storage Poland sp. z o. o. processes your personal data for the purposes of the performance of contracts, orders and discharge of legal obligations. The processing has been designed so as to ensure security and make it possible for data subjects to exercise their rights.
In order to ensure effective protection of personal data, Gas Storage Poland sp. z o. o. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who is Joanna Olewska. She can be contacted by email at: iodo@gas-storage.pl
Please note you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for personal data protection (in Poland to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, Warsaw), if you find that the processing of your personal data violates the personal data protection regulations and specifically the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of 26 April 2016.
Disclosure obligations:
Vistors – persons entering the premises of GSP sp. z o.o.
Company’s customers for storage services
Company’s contractors and suppliers
UGS location
GSF Kawerna
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
GSF Kawerna
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
UGS Wierzchowice
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
GSF Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
GSF Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
GSF Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
GSF Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amount of injected gas
Inventories of high methane storage facilities
Data at the end of the gas day 5.03
(at 6:00 a.m.)*
Inventories of high methane storage facilities
Data at the end of the gas day 5.03
(at 6:00 a.m.)*
UGS location
GIM Kawerna
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
GIM Kawerna
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
IM Wierzchowice
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
GIM Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
GIM Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
GIM Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas
GIM Sanok
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the beginning of gas day
Inventories of storage facilities at the end of gas day
Amout of withdrawal gas
Amount of injected gas