More about Transparency Template
UGS Wierzchowice

The ID numbers of the exit point from and the entry point to the transmission system for storage facility of UGS Wierzchowice shall be as follows:

Exit point

Point name IM Wierzchowice zatłaczanie (injection)
Point ID

Entry point

Point name IM Wierzchowice pobór (withdrawal)
Point ID
The maximum  technical  capacity of storage facility of UGS Wierzchowice in the season 2023/2024, 2024/2025.

Group of storage facilities Storage Working volume Max. injection capacity Max. withdrawal capacity
million m3 GWh million m3/day GWh/day million m3/day GWh/day
UGS Wierzchowice 1 300,00 14 729,0 9,60 107,5 14,40 158,4
The maximum capacity of storage facility of UGS Wierzchowice in the season 2023/2024.

Group of storage facilities
UGS Wierzchowice
Working volume
1300,0 mln m3
14 729,0 GWh
Max. injection capacity
9,60 mln m3/day
107,5 GWh/day
Max. withdrawal capacity
14,40 mln m3/day
158,4 GWh/day


Withdrawal and injection curves of storage facility UGS Wierzchowice, apply to Storage Services covered by the Tariff No. 1/2024 part A.

Withdrawal and injection curves of storage facility UGS Wierzchowice, apply to Storage Services covered by the Tariff No. 1/2024 part B.

Withdrawal and injection curves of storage facility UGS Wierzchowice, apply to Storage Services covered by the Tariff No. 1/2023 with Amendment.